Advent Dates and information for your diary!
Advent walk with me booklets available in church porch - £1 each
7th December - Greyfriars School Christmas Fair - 11am to 2pm, Cricket Road, Oxford, OX4 3DR, Tel: 01865 749933; Office@GFCS.UK
19th December - Reconciliation service at 7pm
22nd December - Advent Crib Collection for Gatehouse Homeless charity starts
22nd December - Greyfriars Church Christmas Carol Service at 3pm
24th December - Christmas Eve Mass with children’s nativity
24th December - Midnight Mass, starting at 11.30pm with carols
25th December - 9am Mass; 11am Mass. NO 5.30pm
1st Friday Devotions
1st Friday Devotions - Mass at 7.00p.m. in honour of the Sacred Heart, followed by the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Anointing of the Sick.
Br. Lucjan's Charity Bike Ride
He’s done it before and he’s willing to go the extra mile again this year – 26 miles to be precise. It’s all for a good cause in support of The Gatehouse, the charity supporting the homeless in Oxford. If you would like to sponsor Br. Lucjan, please go to the and donate, or give the money straight into Br. Lucjan’s hands – the other friars will ensure it all does go to the Gatehouse. Thank you for your generous support.
Taizé Group
Our Taize Group meets on the last Thursday of every month at 7.30pm, for one hour, in the friary library. Refreshments are served afterwards.
Bible Study Group
Our Bible Study Group meets on Thursdays at 7.30pm for one hour in the friary library on a fortnightly basis. For more details check out our Bible Study page.
Growing in Communion
Meetings are held on Wednesdays, twice monthly at 7pm. Please come to the friary door. If you have any questions, or would like to register your interest, please email Yvette on