



Baptism is when we become part of God’s family — the family of the Church — hence we are called the children of God.
It is defined by the Church as the door which gives access to the other sacraments (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1213).
In Baptism we are washed free from original sin, the sin we are all born in to, and begin a new life in Christ.
Parents who present their child for Baptism are then entrusted to pass on the faith and at the appropriate time present them to receive the other two Sacraments of Initiation – Confirmation and Eucharist.

To make the necessary arrangements to have your child baptised, contact the parish priest.




In the Eucharist we offer bread and wine to God and it becomes, through the power of the Holy Spirit, the body and blood of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, which we then receive in Holy Communion.

This sacrament unites us with Jesus and with one another. The Eucharist is the high point of our Christian worship together. ‘It is the source and summit of all Christian life.’ (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1324)




Confirmation is the sacrament by which a person renews and confirms the promises made, on their behalf by their parents and godparents, when they were presented for Baptism.

Through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit they receive the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit that they can draw strength from as they bear witness to Christ in their lives through word and deed.

Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA)

Please complete the following form if you are interested in exploring the Catholic faith or are Catholic adult but have not been confirmed.
